Online Security Reminder
We would like to remind you to stay vigilant and ensure that your interactions with FIMBank p.l.c. are conducted through our verified online platforms. For your reference, the official websites associated with our Bank are listed in our FIMBank - Security Notice.
To further safeguard your information and maintain the integrity of our services, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Verify Website Authenticity
Always ensure that you are on our official website by carefully checking the website address (URL) to ensure there are no anomalies. Note that the website address should end in ".com" and may be followed by a "/" in your browser’s address bar. The official verified platforms are as follows:
Be Cautious with Emails and Links
Avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments from unknown sources. It is always safer to manually enter the website address into your browser. Additionally, before clicking on any link, hover over it to reveal the exact URL and verify its authenticity.
Report Suspicious Activity
If you notice any suspicious emails, messages, or activities claiming to be from FIMBank, please inform us immediately. Contact our helpdesk at (+356) 2132 2102 or email us at
Keep Personal Information Private
Please note that FIMBank will never request sensitive personal information such as passwords, one-time passwords, or recovery codes. Always keep these details confidential.
Social Messaging and Digital Wallets
FIMBank does not engage with customers through social messaging applications such as WhatsApp or Telegram. Furthermore, it does not provide services via digital wallet platforms.
For your security, FIMBank will only communicate with customers via email using its official domains: or