Complaints Procedure

FIMBank p.l.c. prides itself in offering fast, efficient and highly dedicated service to all its customers. As part of FIMBank's customer focused approach, it is our policy that:

  • All complaints are dealt with fairly and promptly and that all issues are resolved as quickly as possible;
  • All complaints are promptly reported to the attention of the Complaints Officer;
  • In dealing with any complaints, you will feel that we have handled your concerns in a courteous, prompt and professional manner;
  • You are notified of your rights to refer your complaint to the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.

The Complaints Procedure Guide is aimed at offering you, our Customer, a quick overview of how you should go about lodging a complaint should the situation arise for you to do so.

For further information, you may send us an or call on
(+356) 2132 2102 from 08:30 till 17:00.

Complaints Procedure Guide

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